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How Long Does It Take Wisdom Teeth To Heal?

Wisdom teeth removal marks a significant chapter in dental care, and understanding the intricacies of the healing process is paramount for a smooth recovery. The initial stages involve the reduction of swelling and the formation of blood clots, typically occurring within the first week. Adhering to post-operative care instructions, such as avoiding strenuous activities and maintaining proper oral hygiene, contributes to a smoother healing process. While significant progress is made in the initial two weeks, complete recovery may extend over several weeks to a few months. In this article, we will dive into the wisdom teeth recovery process, its timeline, and some possible issues you may run into when recovering from your wisdom teeth removal.

How Long Does It Take For Wisdom Teeth Holes To Close?

Closing the holes left by wisdom teeth extraction is an integral part of the healing process. The timeline for hole closure varies depending on individual factors such as healing ability and oral hygiene practices. Initially, blood clots form in the extraction sites, initiating the healing process. Over time, these clots are replaced by granulation tissue, and the holes gradually close. Complete closure can take several weeks to a few months, emphasizing the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding disruptive activities.

How Long  Do Wisdom Teeth Take To Stop Hurting?

Pain and discomfort are common after wisdom teeth extraction, with the most intense discomfort occurring in the first 48 to 72 hours. Adhering to prescribed pain medications, applying ice packs, and following recommended lifestyle modifications help manage acute pain. As the days progress, pain gradually subsides, and by the end of the first week, many individuals experience significant relief. Complete relief from pain may take a few weeks, with continued adherence to post-operative care instructions playing a crucial role in a more comfortable recovery.

oral surgeon working on patient

How Can I Make My Wisdom Teeth Heal Faster?

To promote faster recovery, adherence to post-operative care instructions is paramount. This includes taking prescribed medications, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and avoiding disruptive habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. A healthy and nutritious diet, along with staying hydrated, supports the body’s healing processes. Regular follow-up appointments with oral health professionals ensure a proactive approach to care and contribute to a faster and smoother recovery.

When Is A Dry Socket No Longer A Risk?

One potential complication after wisdom teeth removal is a dry socket, where the blood clot is dislodged or dissolves prematurely. The highest risk of a dry socket is in the first few days after extraction, making it crucial to avoid activities that could dislodge the clot. As the initial post-operative period passes, the risk gradually diminishes. Follow-up appointments with oral health professionals allow for the monitoring of the healing process, reducing the risk of complications. While the risk of a dry socket decreases within the first week, individual healing patterns vary, emphasizing the importance of consulting with oral health professionals and promptly addressing any concerns to ensure a successful recovery from wisdom teeth removal.


Recovering from wisdom teeth removal is a gradual process that requires patience and attention. As the initial discomfort starts to fade and the holes left by the extractions begin to close, it becomes clear that following your dentist’s advice is crucial. Eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, and steering clear of habits that could slow down healing all play a role in speeding up the recovery. Regular check-ups with your dentist are like pit stops on the journey, ensuring everything is on track. When the discomfort lessens, and your mouth feels better, it’s a satisfying sign that your efforts in self-care have paid off. The journey concludes with a smile, a testament to your commitment to a successful recovery.