Family Tree is the perfect name for this office! The staff here display a camaraderie in that is surely inclusive. I have always had an experience of complete satisfaction and understanding of my dental care plan. The staff work in harmony toward meeting the needs, concerns, and comfort of the patient. It is obvious that when the “Family” of this establishment come to work, they do so because they WANT to be there! It feels good to be treated with respect, kindness and transparency in a situation that could be very uncomfortable, awkward and even painful. I recently had a deep root cleaning and felt safe enough to try it without Novocaine, as I dread the effects. I trusted that if I were to feel the slightest amount of pain my professional (Ms. Tara) would have stopped and numbed the area. That trust, is well deserved! Good job Family Tree! Having said all that, it is important to share that my children have positive interactions as well. They’re encouraged and informed, spoken to, not at, or about… The result is healthy oral hygiene habits, and cavity-free 😊 smiles! Thanks to everyone at Family Tree Dental!!